Here’s just some of the training we provide to give parents and carers the tools and stategies to help empower themselves and their children:

Teenagers with Down syndrome

each child

Support to understand the unique language and learning profile of Down syndrome and tailoring this to understand individual children. This provides families with syndrome-specific approaches to use at home in helping their child maximise potential.

baby signing

Baby Makaton signing course

This training provides parents with insights into their child’s need for visual support to underpin auditory input. We seek to empower families with the skills to best communicate and enhance the language and learning skills of their young children – from the outset.

baby phonics

Introduction to Therapy

All new families are provided with bite-sized training to understand their child’s language, learning, sensory and motor needs so that they share and commit to the approaches we use in our therapy. We know that parents will engage fully with therapeutic strategies if they understand the rationale behind them.

adults discussion


We provide ongoing individual consultations for all families so that advice and support can be tailored to the needs of each child and family; each consultation is enriched with theory so that families share an understanding of their child’s profile and how best to support this.

Click the button below for additional Down syndrome resources